Monday, May 20, 2024

Top 10 Cryptocurrency To Invest In 2019

If you are thinking of investing in cryptocurrencies and do not know very well where to start, there is no problem, because from here we will offer you some interesting options so that you can give your money return this year.


  1. Bitcoin:

bitcoin investment
bitcoin investment

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in this market, partly because it was a pioneer and because it boosted a market with multiple possibilities that today is booming.

Although Bitcoin has had its glory moments, like those $ 20,000 last December 2017, it seems that it is not going through its best moment.

Last year it suffered quite a few falls, down to historical lows and today it is trading around 3,600 dollars.

There are those who think that it is the end of Bitcoin, and of many other cryptocurrencies in general, but really what happened has a very logical explanation. Basically ‘the bubble’ exploded and now the market has to gradually return to normal.

In the coming months, we should see an upward trend in the price of Bitcoin, as will happen with other cryptocurrencies that we are going to propose today to invest this 2019.

  1. Ripple:

ripple investment
ripple investment

Ripple remains in the second position as one of the three cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization and the truth is that it has earned it by far. It is a technology that can be very useful in practice.

Among the features of Ripple, we have to talk about a system with incredible potential that could change the banking system as we know it today. At present, where we want everything to be instantaneous, a system that allows us to make transfers in a matter of seconds, even internationally, is a success.

In addition, in the transactions offered by Ripple, the commissions are much lower than what they would charge us for a transfer in any traditional entity. Although it is also true that with online banking everything is changing to provide us with more advantages.

Anyway, Ripple offers a project with a lot of potentials, as it is very necessary and that means that its currency, the XRP, will continue to maintain its position in the markets. Right now you can invest for the only X, so I think you should do it.

  1. Ethereum:

Ethereum coin
Ethereum coin

Finally, we have Ethereum closing this podium of greater capitalization.

This cryptocurrency that emerged to improve Bitcoin technology and that is characterized by the possibility of developing decentralized applications and smart contracts, today you can buy for X dollars.

Ethereum has also suffered falls last year, and it seems that its evolution is slower then we would like. But, there is something to highlight about its creator is that it is always making improvements and updating this technology so that it remains one of the market leaders.

  1. Bitcoin Cash:
Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash

For those who are sure to invest in Bitcoin, we also recommend that they do so in Bitcoin Cash, as it is a fork of the original cryptocurrency and its technology is quite similar although usually with improvements.

Bitcoin Cash now has a value of $ 134.22 and will tend to rise in the future, so if you buy today you will win tomorrow.

Like other cryptocurrencies it has also suffered falls recently but most cryptocurrencies will stabilize again and Bitcoin Cash is no exception.

  1. EOS:

EOS coin
EOS coin

And speaking of competition, EOS is one of Ethereum’s main rivals at the moment. Or at least it is what many think.

The reason? Well, the technology is very similar, as it offers an open-source platform, which allows instant transactions with great scalability.

EOS allows the development of DApps (decentralized apps) and smart contracts, as does Ethereum. Hence, it is one of the main rivals at the moment in the market.

As for the price, at this moment an EOS unit costs only $ 2.44, so if you want to invest in a technology very similar to Ethereum this is your opportunity.

  1. Litecoin:


Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that emerged in 2010 as an alternative to Bitcoin, with the aim of improving existing technology up to that time. This is for making P2P payments on the Internet and offers a very interesting future in the medium and long term.

The most experts believe that the price of Litecoin will increase this year because it has appreciated faster than other cryptocurrencies, it offers a faster processing speed, the price of transactions is very nice and because it offers new payment solutions (Litepay). In addition, its current price is quite low compared to other cryptocurrencies.

For $ 32.31 you can currently invest in Litecoin.

  1. TRON:

tron coin
tron coin

Since TRON was launched, expectations have not stopped increasing and its digital content network looks great.

TRON has a team of entrepreneurs and developers who have a long history and the project – as we said – is focused on entertainment.

You will only need $ 0.02 to invest in TRON, and you should take advantage now because it is rapidly gaining popularity, and its trend will undoubtedly be rising.

  1. ZCASH:

ZCASH coin
ZCASH coin

One of the advantages of Zcash is that it offers a more anonymous payment system than the Bitcoin cryptocurrency offers us. And it is that users can choose what details of their transactions they want to show while in Bitcoin they are always public.

The processing speed is higher since Bitcoin needs 10 seconds to process a block while Zcash only needs 2.5 seconds. Zcash also allows for smart contracts. Its price today is $ 52.73 and although it is in a downtrend it will surely rise.

  1. DASH:


Dash has a lot of potentials to function as digital money, it is open which means that anyone can receive and send payments, and decentralized. It also has low commissions and the speed of transactions is very high.

Dash has two levels of security, unlike Bitcoin that only offers one. In this way, we can choose to spend DASH anonymously (Private Send) and enjoy instant transactions (Instant Send).

If you want to leave Bitcoin for another occasion and try a different cryptocurrency we recommend that you give Dash a chance, which is priced at $ 72.

  1. Qtum:

Qtum Coin
Qtum Coin

Qtum’s main objective is to help businesses create decentralized payment apps. A highlight of Qtum what allows interoperability between cryptocurrencies that use blockchain technology.

Qtum has a lot of potentials, although serving as a ‘bridge’ between cryptocurrencies will depend on the success of these currencies in question. The volatility of cryptocurrencies, in general, is very high and prices change constantly so if you are going to trade be cautious.

To invest in Qtum today you will hardly need to pay 2 dollars, so take account and take advantage because this cryptocurrency has good expectations for this year.

Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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