Friday, March 28, 2025

Is Your Baby Not Drinking Milk? Know What to Do

The feeding habits and the number of turns change with time as the baby grows. But if you are facing issues like your baby is rejecting breastfeeding and you are feeling it is not enough for their good health, you should consider it just because nothing is more important than your baby’s health maintenance.

If you are curious to know the reasons behind your baby’s milk rejection and relevant suggestions for newborn care, give this article a complete read!

Reasons for Newborn Baby’s Breastfeed Rejection

The newborn baby tries to latch onto your breast, and you think that something is going wrong if you are a new mother. It may happen that you are an experienced mother, and something is not going well actually. You can read all possible reasons to make your mind relax!

  • There is a possible reason for rejecting milk that your baby is tongue-tie.
  • An unpleasant breastfeeding experience may be when you forcefully insert a nipple into the baby’s mouth.
  • Swallowing mucus may cause uncomfortable, nauseous, and congested feelings in the baby at birth time.
  • Bruising or birth injury may cause discomfort situation for your baby. That’s why your baby is saying no to milk.
  • Your baby is separated from you after birth, even for just a few seconds.
  • Different medications like pethidine, epidural, and anesthesia used during labor may cause the reason of milk rejection by your baby.
  • If the baby is born quickly, it may feel pain or soreness in the body.
  • The difficult delivery can cause milk rejection, and they may feel headaches due to the mother’s interventions.

Reasons for Breastfeed Rejection by Old Baby

Sometimes, the already-feeding child stops feeding breast for 2 to 4 hours and even for many days. The possible reasons are enlisted!

  • The baby’s attention may divert to more solid food than breastfeeding.
  • The changed milk taste may cause this rejection, including during your menstrual cycle.
  • More awareness of the baby with the surroundings.
  • The baby is getting disturbed by any external factor, mainly noise.
  • The baby may reject it because they are teething.
  • Any oral and throat infection of the child.
  • A fast or strong flow of milk that is difficult for the baby to take in.
  • There is a difficulty that makes feeding or latching crucial for your baby whenever they want to feed.

Suggestions for the Above-Enlisted Issues

Focus on these tips if you want to resolve the issue of no feeding by your baby’s side!

  • Try to feed in a separate or quiet room to avoid any kind of disturbance to distract your baby’s attention.
  • You should try to feed with music or while playing to fulfill your mission of feeding.
  • The “dream feeds” are suitable for babies, so try to feed them when they are sleeping or a bit sleepy.
  • Make the position comfortable for your child, and try a different position to add more comfort.
  • It is not an issue if your baby is bobbing their head or rubbing it on your chest side by side. It is their natural habit, not a way to reject milk.
  • Don’t make it forcefully; give the lead to the baby’s hand.


It is not a major issue if your baby is not drinking milk. Many possible reasons can be there. Try to consider the relevant solutions.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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