Saturday, March 8, 2025

Microsoft office 2019 free download full version for windows 10

Microsoft office 2016:

Launched on September, 2018and Microsoft office 2019, Microsoft office 2019 professional plus, Microsoft office 2019 home and business and Microsoft office 2019 home and student version is receiving mainstream support till the  2024. This is the restricted version of Microsoft office available for download for windows 10 through  Microsoft 365 subscription.

Microsoft office 2019, is the professional suite for home, students, business, professionals users and office supported version. They increase productivity of their work and provide ease and great help in their work. As we are living in the 21st century, this is digitalized era. Everything around us is assisted by Microsoft office suites. From liability to your luxury everything is associated with Microsoft office suite.

It was firstly launched by the Bill Gates, in 1988. Microsoft office assist you in the creation,  editing or reviewing of the document including text, pictures, tables and text boxes. It also assist you in working with the spreadsheets and databases, in making to the representation of your presentations, posters and forms and many more services in our daily lives.

Microsoft office 2019free download for Windows 1032 Gb or 64Gb:

Microsoft office 2019 is available as a part of office365 subscription (it is monthly subscription service provided by the Microsoft office with additional benefits of accessibility to more than one computer and security of data and provision of all the newest updates)

If you are wanting economical solution, you can go for one time purchase version of Microsoft office 2019.

Unlike Microsoft office 2016, it lacks standard edition in basic version but included in perpetual version.

Home & Student: Includes word, excel and PowerPoint only.

Home & Business: Includes word, excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Professional: Includes word, excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method.

Professional Plus: Accessible through licensing channels; includes word, excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business.

Basic Requirement:

  • 1 GHz processor
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 3 GB of available disk space; better to have some excess space for temp data
  • Screen resolution of a at least 1280 x 800
  • Windows 7 SP1 or above operating system; Works smart on updated operating system according to Microsoft
  • The browsers used should be the updated edition or the edition directly foregoing the updated editions
  • At least. Net3.5; preferred4.5 LCR
  • A Microsoft account.

microsoft office 2019 free download

Wait are you seeking for the cracked version?

If you are looking for the cracked version, we recommend you to stop and rethink about your decision because it is completely illegal, insecure and unreliable option.

Likewise, Microsoft office 2016 for windows 10, If you are looking for free installation you can go for free databases like LibreOffice, or online tools like Google’s work suite, or you can check for online Microsoft office web.

Why should you download Microsoft office2019 on your computer, mobiles or laptops?

Because of following updates MS office 2019 will become your first choice:

Microsoft Excel 2019:


The updated edition of Microsoft Excel 2016, they adds the features of:

  • IFS

Enhanced visuals:

Microsoft Excel 2019 contains:

  • Scalable vector graphics (SVG),
  • Convert SVG icon into shapes,
  • Insertion of 3D models.

New charts:

The Microsoft Excel 2019 contain MAP AND FUNNEL CHARTS.

Power query:

Improvements are made into following features:

  • New and improved connectors,
  • Improved transformation,
  • New queries and connection side panes.

Microsoft Word 2019:

Improved learning tools:

In Microsoft office 2019, they have add the learning tools that enhanced the learning by the features of adjust spacing, highlighter, read document aloud.


It facilities the reduction language barrier by the help of translator available in number of international languages.

Digital pen:

These are the portable writing equipment like pen, pencil or highlighter that assist in writing drawing within the document.

Use lateX in syntax equations:

It is used for editing the mathematical equation.


Other new features of Microsoft office 2019 word are SVG, 3D models, fix accessibility issues with one click, cue the audio and easier finding and navigation of our document.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019:


You can highlight your important text now similar to the Microsoft PowerPoint 2016..

Vector graphics:

It includes edition of SVG graphics in your presentation.

Conversion of SVG into shapes:

The SVG icon or images can be converted into the office shapes.

You can add 3D models:

In Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, you can add 3D models to your presentation with the all angle illustrations.


Other advanced features include:

  • Export to 4k:

You can export your presentation video to the 4k resolution.

  • Recording:

You can record or practice your presentation directly within the application.

  • Digital ink:

You can edit or write by the help of digital ink. These include thr use of portable pen or highlighter with different catchy effects illustrations with in the single application.

  • Digital pen:

Now you can run your presentation by the help of digital pen.

How to install and activate Microsoft office 2019:

Following are the simplified steps:

  1. If you are still using outdated version of 2010 or 2013, Firstly uninstall it.
  2. Go to the official site of Microsoft:
  3. Log in if you do not have account then sign up for the registration. Or if you forgot the password then click on the FORGET PASSWORD option i.e. I forgot the account I use with Office.
  4. Select Service and subscription, chose your desired file and click install.

For PC:

  1. For pc, depending on your browser click on run, setup or save
  2. When phrase You’re all set! Office is installed now, popped up on you computer then click on
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo
Teodora Torrendo is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.

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