Thursday, March 13, 2025

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Equipment for Your Cattle

Whether you’re just starting out or have been raising cattle for years, there are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing equipment for your cattle. You want to have equipment that will keep your cattle healthy, and you also want to make sure that you get the right equipment.

1.    Consider the size of the facility

Whether you are planning on transitioning your cattle operations from feedlot to cow-calf, or simply starting a new operation, the size of your cattle facility will determine the type of handling equipment you will need. This is important, because not all equipment is created equal. You will want to be sure you are getting quality equipment to ensure you are getting the best possible system, which will increase the longevity of your system and minimize repairs.

The size of your cattle facility will depend on many different factors, such as the number of cattle you are handling, the type of operation you are doing, and the breed of cattle you are handling. You will also want to consider your location. This is especially important, since it will determine how accessible your cattle facility will be.

2.   Design an alleyway for cattle pens

Whether you are building a new facility or modifying an existing one, the design of an alleyway for cattle pens can have a huge impact on how cattle move through your facility. Research shows that livestock move more efficiently in curved alleyways than straight alleys.

When building an alleyway, the width should be at least 12 feet. This allows for a good amount of room for cattle to walk, without being obstructed. Be careful about corners, as they can stress and slow the animals.

The design of an alleyway for cattle pen should also include a loading ramp. This ramp should be at least 12 feet long and adjustable up to 48 inches from the ground. The floor height should be adjustable to accommodate trucks and trailers.

3.   Design a cattle chute

Whether you’re designing a new cattle chute or improving an existing one, it’s important to consider the needs of both the cattle and the livestock handlers. A properly designed cattle chute will ensure a safe and efficient handling process.

The first thing to consider is the size of the herd. The chute needs to be wide enough to accommodate the animals. You will also need to decide whether the chute will be permanent or portable. Some chutes are made of steel, timber or iron.

You will also need to consider the site. If the facility is located close to busy roads or buildings with high human traffic, an outer perimeter fence is important.

4.  Get good water systems

Good water systems are essential for livestock farming. Water is the most crucial part of any animal farm. Ensuring a clean source of water will ensure that your animals remain healthy and thrive. Animals consume a lot of water during the day, especially pigs. Consider investing in a good pig waterer to maintain a healthy supply of water for all your animals.

5.   Get Good Software

Having a software system to keep track of your livestock is a must for modern farming. Aside from keeping track of your animals, it can also be used for marketing and calculating profits. Having the right software can help you avoid pitfalls and increase profits.

There are plenty of software systems out there, but which one is the best for your specific needs? Using the right software will help you run your business more efficiently, save you time and money, and most importantly, give you the peace of mind that you deserve. It’s also a good idea to use the right software if you want to stay on the good side of the government and agribusinesses.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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