Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What Are Major Causes of Infertility In Women?

At some point, all women begin to think about children, and most decide to have a child. But not always they can get pregnant, some couples may encounter problems. When contacting specialists, doctors ask several standard questions and give advice.

Only when they are ineffective after following the recommendations, do doctors suspect infertility for the first time. It is legitimate to make such a diagnosis when pregnancy does not occur, despite regular intercourse without contraceptive methods during the year.

InfertilityIn Women

If with regular sexual activity without contraception, pregnancy does not occur within a year, then we can talk about infertility. But before you panic, you need to understand that some problems in the body prevent conception, but do not apply to infertility.

All these reasons are extremely diverse and numerous. Some are not perceptible while others are even visually noticeable. Doctors have highlighted the signs that tell every woman that there are some problems with the conception that encourage her to undergo treatment and seek fertility solutions.

Sometimes is diagnosis is made on women who have already become mothers but cannot become pregnant a second time. Such a diagnosis suggests that pregnancy is not possible at the moment for various reasons.

Alcohol Abuse

One of the most common reasons for infertility in women is alcohol and drugs abuse. Several researchers have confirmed that heavy consumption of alcohol can lead to irregular menstruation and infertility in women.

Thus, if you are unable to conceive a baby and are addicted to alcohol, you must fight this addiction. You can even seek help from professionals to quit alcoholism. If you prefer a comfortable environment for withdrawing from addiction, look for alcohol and drug rehab centers for women near your home.

Hormonal Changes

One of the most common causes of infertility is endocrine or hormonal disorders. Every woman can suspect that hormones are not in order, and some tests can help with this. The most obvious sign of problems with hormones is the monotonous rhythm of basal temperature and the absence of two strips on the test for ovulation on the dates of the expected release of the egg.

There are other pronounced symptoms of hormone problems, such as a violation of the menstrual cycle.It becomes irregular, the discharge becomes scarce,or very plentiful. At times, menstruation is painful, sometimes there are delays in menstruation that please the woman, and then disappointment comes. The most severe consequence of a violation of the work of hormones is considered amenorrhea – the absence of menstruation.

Problems with conception can also occur in women with active hair growth. The growth of hair extends to the upper limbs, pubic hair extends to the nave, and grows extremely abundantly. This spread and growth of hair is a classic sign of androgen excess. This is a direct indication of hormonal imbalance.


Many patients are unaware of the presence of genital infections, even of a whole bunch. In a special risk group, people who have had many partners, although even with a single spouse, no one is immune from infection. A serious problem for pregnancy can be not only classic sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea

The main danger for conception and gestation is precisely latent infections that have minimal manifestations, and the symptoms do not attract attention. The causative agents of such dangerous infections include urea plasma, herpes, human papillomavirus, chlamydia, and Candida fungus, the causative agent of banal thrush. These infections can cause inflammation and adhesions in the fallopian tubes.

As a result, conception and pregnancy are complicated or become impossible. Before you think about pregnancy and choose the date of conception, you need to go through a series of studies and pass some tests: blood, a swab from the genital tract, and both partners.

Diseases Of The Reproductive System

The causes of infertility can be hidden in diseases of the female reproductive system, namely adenomyosis or endometriosis. Polyps, uterine fibroids, the consequences of early abortions, and curettage can interfere with conception. Such conditions are manifested by painful menstruation, in the period between them there is a spotting discharge after physical intimacy.

When such symptoms appear, treatment is necessary. Some disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries, and their cystic degeneration can also affect the possibility of conception. In such a case, it is necessary to take oral contraceptives to correct the condition.

Men’s Problems

The culprits of the lack of pregnancy can be potential future fathers. Often, men resist for a long time, do not recognize the existing problems, and find excuses for examination and treatment. Those future fathers who have been diagnosed with sexual infections at least once, whose lifestyle is poor, as well as men with addictions or overweight, are at risk.

If a couple in which a man is at risk does not become pregnant, a urologist consultation, tests, and a spermogram are necessary. After the test, if there is the presence of prostatitis and the deterioration of the quality of the seminal fluid, it requires therapy. After it is carried out, the quality of the seminal fluid returns to normal, the ability to conceive returns, and pregnancy can occur within a few months.

What Else Can Affect The Process Of Conception?

Sometimes there are no apparent reasons explaining the problems with conception, but still, pregnancy does not occur. This picture is typical of women who devote all their thoughts to the plan to give birth to a baby. This is a feature of the female body – during a period of stress, it will not work to bear a baby. This is not the best time and the body will wait for the most favorable moment.

Sometimes pregnancy does not occur due to the passion for diets, and low body weight. With a significant decrease in body weight, menstruation can become anovulatory – there is no egg release.Excess weight can also cause a lack of pregnancy. In this case, the main reason is hormones that change metabolic processes.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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