Thursday, March 6, 2025

Why Your Built-in Cybersecurity Really Isn’t Good Enough

Regardless of whether you are a Mac devotee or a PC user, you have always trusted in the cybersecurity solutions present on your device upon purchase. This built-in protection, alongside your own cyber savvy, has helped you avoid the worst types of malware attack thus far in your digital journey, and you anticipate that you will be able to maintain your current level of safety and security into the future.

You’re wrong.

The cybersecurity landscape is changing rapidly, and it is becoming essential that home users take additional precautions to protect their devices and data from cyberattack. Here are a few reasons why your cybersecurity strategy will stop being effective in the coming months and what you should be doing instead to stay safe.

There Is More Malware Than Ever Before

There are well over 1 billion malware programs currently floating around the internet, and an additional 560,000 new pieces of malware are detected every day. While the vast majority of the malware that currently exists online is relatively rudimentary and easily defended by built-in solutions paired with users’ circumspection, an increasing quantity of it is becoming remarkably sophisticated, capable of finding ways around simple security measures and obtaining valuable data from which attackers can financially benefit. Suffice it to say that the web is filled with malicious threats, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for basic cybersecurity software to withstand the onslaught, even with regular updates.

Cyberattackers Understand Standard Security

While the precise details may vary somewhat, the fact is that most built-in security measures are essentially the same. Therefore, it doesn’t take much effort for cyber criminals to research the technologies supporting standard security and then find ways to launch attacks around them. Because so many computer users only rely on the solutions that are built into their devices, it makes financial sense for attackers to put time and energy into understanding and overcoming these fundamental obstacles to their success. With minimal investment, cyber criminals who can incapacitate these security measures can gain access to millions if not billions of devices, which could mean millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains.

AI Is Rapidly Advancing Attack Sophistication

Cybersecurity experts have been warning of the inevitability of AI-driven cyberattacks for years now, and finally, their predictions are coming true. With the release of powerful generative AI engines, all manner of cyber criminals have been gifted an incredible tool that allows them to produce exceedingly sophisticated malware and other methods of attack that can circumvent even the most robust security systems. Thus, it should hardly be surprising that AI has helped cyber attackers find simple and effective ways around built-in security. Unfortunately, the biggest benefit of AI is to low-level, essentially unskilled cyber criminals, who can use AI to generate malicious programs whole-cloth. The likely result is that we will see a dramatic increase in the number of basic malware floating around the web, much of it more than capable of dismantling standard security measures built into most devices.

You Need Cutting-edge Home Security Solutions

Because the ramifications of a cyberattack have the potential to be so financially and emotionally devastating, you should be interested in protecting your devices and data with the best possible cybersecurity solutions. Unfortunately, the security built into your devices is little more than security theater, and if you are serious about keeping yourself safe as the online threat landscape continues to evolve, you need to invest in a comprehensive internet security suite that is as sophisticated as the attacks launched against it.

In no uncertain terms, you need to partner with a cybersecurity brand you can trust, like TrendMicro. For 35 years, TrendMicro has recognized the immense threat that cyberattacks pose and worked tirelessly to develop practical solutions that keep consumers and corporations safe. Using TrendMicro products, you can protect every device on your home network, and there are also solutions to ensure that seniors and children can navigate the web with safety and ease.

If you are still relying on the security solutions built into your devices, you are asking to fall victim to a cyberattack. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much effort to equip your devices with the programs you need to stay safe in this new era of malware.

Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey Ertz
Lindsey, a curious soul from NY, is a technical, business writer, and journalist. Her passion lies in crafting well-researched, data-driven content that delivers authentic information to global audiences, fostering curiosity and inspiration.

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